Upper Reservoir

View Upper Reservoir in 3D
Upper Reservoir Mesh Extraction

Mesh extraction of upper reservoir (SFR).

Image Processing

In order to generate a reasonably connected volume without merging adjacent (disconnected) conducting layers a series a 3D filters were applied to reprocess the data. Final filtering sequence selected is as follows:

  1. Removal of vertical tubular structures
  2. Removal of separated thin sheets
  3. Gaussian blur
  4. Removal of separated thin sheets
  5. Removal of separated horizontal edges
  6. Vertical arithmetic average
  7. Removal of separated thin sheets

The resulting bf shale volume is reasonable in terms of flow connectivity.

Mesh optimization

Extracted volume was restricted to the area of interest defined by the main three layers of the SFR reservoir. Small disconnected volumes were eliminated. An automatic optimization step was undertaken with the following characteristics:

  1. Vertical distance from the underlying surface was limited to 5m.
  2. Horizontal distance from the underlying surface was limited to 50m.
  3. Edge length was limited to 300m.

The resulting mesh was of sufficient quality and size for use in reservoir/geomechanical simulations.


A detailed report on the mesh extraction process for the upper reservoir (SFR) can be downloaded here: Upper Reservoir PDF

Reverse SFR masks

Once a surface is extracted it can be used to generate masks on sugarcube grids. You can download a number of masks generated using different algorithms. Use the links below to download medium resolution masks generated on the original sugarcube resolution (50x50x2.5m) with each cell value sampled from a 4x4x1 subgrid. The resulting maskd are shades of grey with 16 different values scaled between 0 and 1. A value of 0 indicates that a cell is completely outside of the surface being sampled, and 1 that it is completely inside.

SEAM SCA 1-E dynamic antialiased mask

SEAM SCA 1-W dynamic antialiased mask

SEAM SCA 2-E dynamic antialiased mask

SEAM SCA 2-W dynamic antialiased mask

SEAM SCA 3-E dynamic antialiased mask

SEAM SCA 3-W dynamic antialiased mask