Salt Body

View Salt Body in 3D
Salt Body Mesh Extraction

Mesh extraction of Salt Body.

Image Processing

The original aspect ratio for the volumes is chosen very poorly: (50×50×2.5). The excessive vertical resolution creates aliasing issues which were not corrected by proper methods by the supplier. Salt, by its nature does not contain thin channel-like structures unlike turbidite layers. For that reason aggressive vertical smoothing/coarsening is possible without compromising the geology. Therefore, the image was first re-sampled vertically, taking every other sample (resolution reduced to 864×912×2300), followed by image processing sequence:

  1. Arithmetic average smoothing stance on 50×50×20 meters
  2. Removal of vertical thin sheets

Initial mesh contained approx 14M triangles, and captured the geology well.

Mesh optimization

The surface was optimized with the following key constraints:

  1. Vertical distance from the underlying surface was limited to 5m.
  2. Horizontal distance from the underlying surface was limited to 50m.
  3. Edge length was limited to 500m.

Fully automatic optimization reduced mesh to 127K triangles, and the quality was deemed sufficient for FEM computations. It can later, based on numerical results, be refined as needed.


A detailed report on the mesh extraction process for the Salt Body can be downloaded here: Salt Body PDF

Salt Mask

Antialiased salt mask based on the extracted volume