Alternate Survey

Well rates

Well rates of oil producers for alternate survey Well rates of water injectors for alternate survey

The initial overpressure in the SCA reservoir allows realistic near well draw-downs on the order of 25-35MPa near the wells. In order to have flexibility with the pressure drop in the SCA reservoirs during this and subsequent phases of the field exploitation we assumed pressure lift devices for each of the three well bundles. The pressure depletion during this phase did not require lift devices. While pressure support for the SCA reservoirs is invisioned in the second phase it will require certain amount of time to balance the production wells. Therefore, lift devices may become necessary during the next phases of production. For that reason all relevant well controls flow/pressure gauges are located at the sea floor. All subsequent references to well pressure are with respect to these gauges.

days 0 1460 1825 2555 2555+ 3650
The well bundles are operated under the following flow control [bpd]:
SCA_A x3 4000 4000 4000 2800 2800 2800
SCA_B_1 & SCA_B_3 8000 8000 8000 5600 5600 5600
SCA_B_2 8000 8000 8000 5600 gas inj. gas inj.
SCA_C x3 16000 16000 16000 11200 11200 11200
SFR1_E 7000 5866 3500 7000 7000
SFR1_W 6000 5000 3000 6000 6000
SFR2_E 4000 3400 2200 4400 4400
SFR2_W 6000 5066 3100 6200 6200
SFR3_E 1000 866 600 1000 1000
SFR3_W 4000 3666 3000 5000 5000
The water injectors are operated under the following flow control [bpd]:
SCA_WI1 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000
SCA_WI2 30000 28666 25000 25000 25000
SCA_WI3 40000 40000
SCA_WI4 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
The gas injectors are operated under the following flow control [m3/s]:
SCA_B_2 10 10

SCA Pressure near wells


Pressure Change
First Survey SCA-A-Hub-Alternative
Top View
Bottom view


Pressure Change
First Survey SCA-B-Hub-Alternative
Top View
Bottom view


Pressure Change
Top View
Bottom view

SFR Pressure near wells

Top View
Bottom view

Monitor 1



The pressure is computed using modified Arnold-Brezzi finite elements. This a nonconforming Courzeix-Raviart element modified with an additional quadratic bubble which ensures local conservation of mass in each tetrahedron. The local space contains the full linear polynomial space and as consequence it provides second order accuracy. In contrast finite volume methods use piecewise constant pressure in each cell and are only first order accurate.

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(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).

Pressure Change
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(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).



The pressure is computed using modified Arnold-Brezzi finite elements. This a nonconforming Courzeix-Raviart element modified with an additional quadratic bubble which ensures local conservation of mass in each tetrahedron. The local space contains the full linear polynomial space and as consequence it provides second order accuracy. In contrast finite volume methods use piecewise constant pressure in each cell and are only first order accurate.
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(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).

Pressure Change
Image not found

View as VRML97 View ALL, View SCA (only)

(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).


The displacements are approximated using standard conforming linear finite elements. They are continous across element boundaries and second order accurate.

Displacement X
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Displacement Y
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Displacement Z
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The strains are derived directly from the displacements and are piecewise constant in each element.

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Saturation Water
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(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).

Saturation Oil
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(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).

Monitor 2


During the this phase all 9 SCA wells and all 6 SRF wells are operated for a period of three years from 01-01-2024 until 31-12-2027.

The results below are reported at the final time of the simulation (31-12-2027). Wherever available 3D VRML plots are also provided.


The pressure is computed using modified Arnold-Brezzi finite elements. This a nonconforming Courzeix-Raviart element modified with an additional quadratic bubble which ensures local conservation of mass in each tetrahedron. The local space contains the full linear polynomial space and as consequence it provides second order accuracy. In contrast finite volume methods use piecewise constant pressure in each cell and are only first order accurate.

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View as VRML97

(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).

Image not foundtive/graphics/2555_alternative_pressure_change.wrz" download="2555_alternative_pressure_change.wrz"> View as VRML97

(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).

Pressure Drop
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The displacements are approximated using standard conforming linear finite elements. They are continous across element boundaries and second order accurate.

Displacement X
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Displacement Y
Image not found
Displacement Z
Image not found


The saturations are resolved using an explicit first order FV method. They are piecewise constant in each cell. A MAPR linear reconstruction may be uploaded at a later stage.

Saturation Water
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View as VRML97

(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).

Saturation Oil
Image not found

View as VRML97

(plugin such as Cortona3D is required).

Monitor 3


During the this phase all 9 SCA wells, all 6 SRF wells and are operated for a period of three years from 01-01-2027 until 31-12-2029.

The results below are reported at the final time of the simulation (31-12-2029). Wherever available 3D plots are also provided.


The pressure is computed using modified Arnold-Brezzi finite elements. This a nonconforming Courzeix-Raviart element modified with an additional quadratic bubble which ensures local conservation of mass in each tetrahedron. The local space contains the full linear polynomial space and as consequence it provides second order accuracy. In contrast finite volume methods use piecewise constant pressure in each cell and are only first order accurate.


The displacements are approximated using standard conforming linear finite elements. They are continous across element boundaries and second order accurate.

Displacement X
Alternate Monitor 3 Displacement X
Displacement Y
Alternate Monitor 3 Displacement Y
Displacement Z
Alternate Monitor 3 Displacement Z


The saturations are resolved using an explicit first order FV method. They are piecewise constant in each cell. A MAPR linear reconstruction may be uploaded at a later stage.